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Licensed by the Florida Commission for Independent Education, License No. 4619

Welcome to Broward International University (BIU) online master's degrees from both our business school and our school of education.

BIU's learning approach, led by our expert teachers, consists of a wide range of discussion forums, group and individual assignments, weekly chats, and number of synchronous sessions per week via real-time video conferencing. In this way, students can benefit from an enriching learning environment, by being exposed to different formats and class dynamics, simulating the real business world.

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*Remember that to apply, you must have completed university studies (Bachelor).


To be admitted to the master's degree, minimum studies (bachelor) are needed. 

Choose the master's degree that best suits you.


United States University Degree

SUJIS plan

At BIU, we guide you throughout your learning, and not only with regard to your classes. We have developed a plan of extracurricular activities that will enhance your experience and learning, so you can develop and put into practice everything you have learned while you complete your master studies .

Why study at BIU?

With BIU you could study your master’s degree and expand your professional knowledge with a 100% virtual study model.
Broward International University is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education of the state of Florida, in the United States of America and we have different Master's degrees in the specialties of Business Management and Virtual Education.
100% on Blackboard
schedule with calendar

Interact with other students
in different parts of the world.
Bimodal workload:
Synchronous and Asynchronous


High participation in class and work based on case studies makes students have a commitment to study

Eulalia Riera
Head of Digital Marketing
(Studying Master of Business Administration)

The theme of the simulation of a company and decision making seemed great to me

Ernesto Alvarado
company manager
(Studying Master of Business Administration)

The face-to-face debates and the cases analyzed were very good aspects since the practice and investigation of each topic were useful for learning the topics.

Patricia Viaut
Computer systems engineering
(Studying Master of Business Administration)

Training offer in business

Analyze real-life business problems and provide solutions to complex scenarios

You will have the flexibility to shape your learning strategy.

leadership Ability

Development of critical thinking


Of Science in Virtual Education

Present information in a versatile way that facilitates student progress and assessment.

Explore the latest trends and e-learning tools.

Explore all the features of cloud platforms, infrastructure, services, applications and security.

Learn to foster online study skills in students.


 With Healtcare Management Concentration

It prepares students to face the future challenges in this sector.

It prepares them for leadership and management roles within healthcare organizations.

Evaluate the strategic needs of companies and find new business opportunities.

Apply business principles to the healthcare sector.


Of Business Administration

Detect and analyze real cases and provide solutions to complex business scenarios.

Understand and apply the ethical and legal principles of managing an organization

Develop critical thinking and decision making.

Member of the International Network of Education Planet Training and Universities
Trustee Member of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce 

Nuestros profesores

Contamos con un excelente profesorado en activo y con amplia experiencia profesional:
Podrá vincular tu tesis o trabajo final de máster a una casuística real de tu empresa actual, pudiendo tener un impacto directo en la aplicabilidad en su empresa o proyecto
Luis F. Rodriguez
Doctorado en Gerencia y especializado en mercadeo, Luis imparte las asignaturas de Marketing y Sistemas de Información y dirección tecnológica.

Ph.D. en Gerencia, Especialidad en Gerencia del Conocimiento MBA en Mercadeo.
Certified eCommerce Consultant (CEC)
José Ignacio Diaz Rettali
Doctorado en Administración de Negocios, José Ignacio es un experto en Finanzas y Gestión de proyectos y operaciones. Colaborador en Royal Consulting y UNAD.

PhD in Business Administration
Armando M. Aranda
Doctor en International Business y Entrepeneurship    Armando imparte las asignaturas de   Contabilidad de Gestión y Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
Sandra Verde
Doctora en Educación y en Búsqueda metodológica. Sandra así mismo es la persona que dará soporte en el desarrollo de tu trabajo final de master

Phd en Educación. Research Methodology